Wednesday, August 5, 2009


I’m a little late in posting this blog, seeing as the events you’re about to see took place two weeks before we moved back stateside. So if you would, please rewind yourselves back to mid-March. Picture Tim and I frantically trying to tie up loose ends before exiting our European adventure. (And by tying up loose ends, I mean squeezing out every bit of fun and travel humanly possible.) As I was entertaining two of my girlfriends with a weekend getaway in London, Tim took himself on an adventure all his own.

Background: Before Tim and I moved to Germany in August 2007, his great-aunt Dorothy had given him copies of old letters sent from long lost relatives in the Czech Republic to his great-grandpa Frank many years ago. Frank Pavlik had immigrated to the US (Nebraska to be specific) in 1914, but honestly, we didn’t really know much else.

So, wanting to be able to show Grandma her roots, Tim decided to see if he could find these addresses and maybe take some pictures along the way.

Without giving too much away, let’s just say he had a very lucrative journey indeed. (Please be forwarned, it's a 23 min long video. Grab some popcorn for your viewing pleasure.)


Me said...

Fantastic to watch! Gotta love the goat (it was a goat, right?) making kind of weird sounds in Tim's arms :-)Emma was watching with me and was very happy to see you guys!

C N Heidelberg said...

Wow, that is really cool. :)