Monday, November 26, 2007

Wet Socks and Thanksgiving Wishes

A few minutes ago, I sat down to sort through my thoughts from an absolutely amazing week that we shared with the Bakers. As soon as I did, it started to snow the biggest snowflakes I have ever seen. I mean, these flakes were not just a littly whispy things, but huge, fluffy balls of white, somewhere between a cotton and a golfball. Now, I absolutely love snow, so you can just picture me as I ran outside in my thin little sweater and sockfeet—no time for wintergear—just to be a part of it. It was just beautiful. Breathtakingly silent. And, holy cow, wet and cold. After the 20 seconds it took to completely soak my feet and most of my body, I decided to run upstairs to grab the camera in an attempt to capture the moment. But as soon as I had it in hand, the snow stopped. So no pictures, just wet socks. Now after a quick change of clothes, I’m feeling very grateful for those 20 seconds. Actually, it just reminded me of so many things that I’m grateful for this year. Here’s just a sampler.

  • I’m thankful for snow. And for warm socks. Oh, and blankets.
  • I’m thankful for an amazing family that could not possibly be more supportive. I’m also thankful that they were all together for Thanksgiving and that everyone is happy and healthy.
  • I’m so thankful that my husband thinks I’m cute. If he didn’t, I could never get away with half of the stunts I pull.
  • I’m thankful that our old neighbors the Bakers were stupid enough to bring their whole family over for a week to be with us. (more on this later.)
  • I’m thankful that the Bavarians are about the nicest people on the planet. Sure, maybe they are making fun of me behind my back, but at least to my face they are positive and helpful and don’t let me publicly suffer.
  • I’m thankful that we’ve met absolutely stellar people over here. Our Cat friends have truly become our family and support system.
  • I’m also thankful that our Landlords (the Klebers) have done everything physically possible to make us feel at home.
  • I’m thankful that Laurie Baker smuggled an entire suitcase of American delicacies (Pumpkin puree, jello, cornstarch…) over here so that we could make a Thanksgiving feast.
  • I’m soo thankful that Mark Baker didn’t break anything when he fell down our staircase. (Cannot afford a lawsuit.)
  • I’m thankful that little Emma Baker still thinks I’m reasonably cool (think I’ve maybe got a year left on that one, she’s almost 13.)
  • I’m thankful that Andrew Baker was pleased with German beer.
  • Oh—I’m thankful for German beer too.
  • I’m thankful that our friends were just bored enough on Friday to come over to play Thanksgiving with us. (more on that later too.)
  • I’m thankful to be back in my German class after a month away. Not only am I learning the German language and culture, but also learning about my fellow classmates from all over the world.
  • I’m thankful for all the visitors that we’ve had thus far and hope for many, many more. (Repeat visitors welcome.)
  • I’m thankful to have this opportunity to live in Germany and to be European for a while.
  • I’m thankful that my best friend Susan can multitask—mothering two boys while making sense of my life and calming my separation anxiety.
  • I’m sooooo thankful for Vonage telephone and Internet, without both I would probably be a disaster. (or more of a disaster.)
  • I’m thankful for itunes so that I can download Grey’s Anatomy and still get my McDreamy fill.
  • Did I mention I’m thankful for my husband? I am. More than I can possibly say.
Most of all, I’m thankful for the amazing people that we have in our lives. You all are the biggest gap missing in our new life here. We are moving forward the best way we know how, but still wanting to keep all of you as close as possible. Hoping you all had a great holiday and that you also have a litany of things to be thankful for. Wishing you all the best…and warm socks.

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