Sunday, October 28, 2007


Last night European Daylight Savings time ended, which is going to do nothing but confuse me for the next few weeks. As a dancer, or maybe just a whacko, I’m usually pretty affected by this time change. I’m sure all of you non-dancers will think I’m crazy (just chalk it up to the many, many other logs that fuel my ‘crazy fire’) but time changes have always made my body feel, well…kinda funky. Almost like my joints are a little stiffer, my muscles less elastic, and my head not as clear. Like I’m dancing through fog. Maybe it’s because I’d be teaching until 9pm, which really felt like 10. Does that make sense? (Don’t answer that.) So this year, as I’m not dancing, I’m not sure how it will manifest. I do know, that since all of you in the states don’t ‘fall back’ for another week; I’ll be constantly calling home at all the wrong times. I apologize in advance for waking you up, Mom.

Well, we are in the heart of fall here. The weather is getting colder (mind you, it was never warm), the days are getting shorter (it’s 5:15 and dark at the moment), and actually I think the trees peaked just last week. I know for some people, Autumn can be a touch depressing. I mean, if you think about it, we are truly celebrating the darker portion of the circle of life. Leaves are falling, birds are migrating, bears (and the Klauses) are getting ready for winter hibernation. Not to mention, our choice of holiday--Halloween. (Side note: my Yoga friend Peg bakes the greatest Halloween cookies each year. Picture a beheaded gingerbread man with blood icing pouring out. Very Tim Burton.)

Somehow, even though slightly morbid, Fall has always been my favorite season. (Go ahead…chalk up another tick mark on the ‘Heather is crazy’ scoreboard.) Maybe it’s the gorgeous colors that come with the leaves changing, or getting to play dress up for one night. Ok, it may just be hot apple pie. Whatever it is, this is the time of year when I feel most alive. Come to think of it, when I need to go to ‘my happy place,’ I always picture this apple orchard in Peoria that Tim and I go to this time of year. (Thinking of naming my first-born Tanner after it.)

Tim and I were discussing last night with some Cat friends what Halloween is like over here. I guess costumes and trick-or-treating is gaining some momentum, but only in areas where Americans have brought it over. The Halloween-ish Holiday here is All Saints Day, which is November 1st. Germans (I think mostly Catholics) get together with their families and go to graveyards to honor the dead and celebrate their lives. I read somewhere that there is even some sort to “soul bread” made somewhere in Germany. Oh--more trivia. I also read that it was the Irish that made the first Jack-o-lanterns and, here's the interesting part, that they were made out of...turnips. (Nope, not been to Ireland yet, but it's on the agenda.)

I’m just fascinated that cultures can be so different—different language, race, religion, government, but yet have astounding similarities. We all must need some way to deal with the “death” of this season, so we create a way to celebrate it, enjoy it, even mock it a little. Man must have a device to make death less scary. All Hallow’s Eve, Dia de Los Muertes, Halloween, All Saints Day, a different name in each place, but I think essentially the same idea. Hmmm, wonder if this day transcends all culture. Need more investigation.

When my Oma was alive (my dad’s mom) she would go to the cemetery in Quincy every change of the season to decorate and clean up the graves of her loved ones. My mom got to go with her a few times as she got older. Mom said it wasn’t morbid at all, in fact she would look forward to these days. Oma had just an amazing memory. I guess she would get to talking about her relatives, telling funny stories and sharing memories. Essentially, making them all come alive for my mother as they would clean the gravestones.

On a different note, I’d also like to take a moment and celebrate life for just a minute. My Grandmother (on my mom’s side now) will turn 90 on October 30th. Think that is amazing too. Happy birthday GM! Thinking about you from a few thousand miles away.

Happy Halloween everybody! Hope you all enjoy this Fall.

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