Saturday, September 1, 2007

Day 1

First full day in Germany. Well, we got up about 10am and had a full day planned. Both Tim and I couldn't wait to explore our neighborhood and get in some exercise. Our village is something straight out of a storybook. Quaint, quiet houses, mostly white or pastel colored with red tile rooves. After our long walk we made friends with our baker then went home to shower. So, at this point, it's about 12:15 and I hear my cell phone ring. It was our friend Kevin. The conversation went a little something like this.
"Hey Kev. You at work?"
"Um no. I'm home."
This was strange because Kevin borders on workaholicism (is that a word?) and I knew he would never have taken a half day.
"What are you doing there?" I ask.
"Well, it's what I do most days after work."
"After work???" About that time the light went on. We had no working clocks. We had relied on Tim's old cell phone which is pretty darn confused since we are no longer in the U.S. "Kevin, What time is it?" And here's the kicker...

In one sentence Tim and I lost five hours of the day. In our defense it was very cloudy.

Ahhh.. our wireless time has run out. To be continued...

1 comment:

Lonely Porch said...

We love your updates! Can't wait for more. We are thinking of both of you as you begin your first "work week."

I guess that time in Germany is like time on the porch...a vacuum. How many times were we just casually chatting away, sipping beverages when someone looked at a clock and realized, "Yikes! It's 4:15am!"

Take care and buy a watch.

M & L